Західноєвропейський банківський бізнес - Кравець В.М. - РЕКОМЕНДОВАНА І ВИКОРИСТАНА ЛІТЕРАТУРА

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7. Annual Report 1997 // ЕСІ. — June 1998. — P. 14.

8. Ashton Я The crown and the money market. — Oxford, 1960.

9. Berghahn BJL International banking in the 19th and 20th centuries. — Leamington Spa, 1983.

10. A bibliography of surveys concerning the changeover to

the single currency. — European Monetary Institute, May 1998. — P. 1—79.

11. Bogaert R A social, economic and administrative survey. — Oxford, 1964.

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15. Crafts Nicholas. Research Department: Globalization and Growth in the Twentieth Century // IMF. — February 2000. — P. 1—57.

16. European Union Balance of Payments (Capital and Financial Account) Statistical Methods // EU Press. — January 1998. — P. 14—22.

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18. Hopkins K. Trade in the ancient economy. — London, 1983.

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20. Jones A.H.M. The latest Roman Empire. — Baltimore, 1933—1940.

21. Kindleberger С J*. A financial history of Western Europe. — London, 1984.

22. Materials of the colloquium on Finance and Financiers in European History. — Geneva, 1989.

23. Reyerson K.L. Business, banking and finance in medieval Montpellier. — Toronto, 1985.

24. Riley J.C. International government finance and the Amsterdam capital market. — London, 1980.

25. Rostouzeff M. The social and economic history of Hellenistic world. — Oxford, 1953.

26. Teichova A. The role of the banks in the interwar economy. — Cambridge, 1991.

27. The basic work of J. Andreau "La vie financiere dans le monde romain. Les metiers de manieurs d'argent". — Paris, 1987.

28. The Journal of European Economic History. — 1984. — Vol. 13. — № 2.

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